How To PlayThis is very fun mind game. Each level will come with a bunch of kids, once they came they will squat.Then when u just click one of them, kids who are just beside him, will stand up together, when you click again, they will squat together.Objective of this game is to let all of them stand up.Hehehhe, not an easy game, but those kids are very cute, when all of them stand up, they will flip the shirts and show their little tummy.非常可爱好玩的游戏,来一群小朋友,先全部蹲下,然后你点其中一个,他旁边的小朋友就跟他一起站起来,再点一次就会又蹲下,游戏目的就是让他们全都站起来,呵呵,一个个肥嘟嘟的小朋友会翻肚皮,非常可爱哦,也很考验你的脑力!
Chinese New Year 2008 / Lunar Rat Year